Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Exploding Beans

25th July 2010

At some point in the last few weeks the allotment exploded, particularly the beans :) Everything has survived quite happily with the copious sunshine and showers and they've done our small team of volunteers proud. I think i shall let the plants speak for themselves!

Photos: Strawberries (in the patch prepared by Charlotte) and Rhubarb (from Uncle Keith and the Venerable Bede); the first Cucumber (planted by Miss Jamie); our very own triffid patch (beans and nasturtiums planted by me and Rowena); wildflowers (me), potatoes (Niall), onions (Mark and Niall), more beans (Allan), peas (Miss Jamie), sweet peas (me) and broccoli (planted by me, rescued from stone arches by Rowena); radishes, lettuce, spinach beet (planted by Allan, ignored by me, oops) and Pumpkins (grown by me, planted by Rowena).

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