Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Jungle in My Windowsill

Well it's been a mad few weeks and no mistake. First I got my new job (YAY) and then I got sick (boo), then we went to a wedding (w00t) then I got sicker (double boo), then Niall got sick (*sigh*), then we gained a new housemate (yay!), we stopped being sick (*phew*) and I knitted a jumper. Oh, and things have been busily growing in my windowsill - unfortunately, given being ill and working on the weekend my plan to be at the allotment hasn't entirely worked out, so I've no idea how that's looking (probably already drowning in weeds). My bulbs are up in the tubs in my front garden though, so that's ace.

So since then I've been waiting for this trial to start again (and the dreaded phonecall summons) and watching my plants grow, since I had to book this week off work (sigh). And growing they certainly are! I'm going to have to pot some of them on already, which is going to be tricky, since I'm running out of windowsill. On the plus side, Bones has been round again and we've been up to our usual tricks, plotting fiction and what-have-you. I even dug out my old murder mystery (the one I've been working on since high school) and got Krystyna to read it. I'm a bit stuck you see... my uncle told me that Raymond Chandler, that paragon of mystery fiction, used to say that if he got stuck he'd have a mysterious man with a gun burst in... worth thinking about, certainly :) Anyways, if I get unstuck, there may be a novel being written - who knows! Watch this space!

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